Text Decisions
  • 08 Aug 2024
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Text Decisions

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Article summary

Select the Text type of Decision card in Beast Core 4 Courseware Editor when you want to give learners a choice between written (text-based) options. The learner selects from different Response Text options—each with a separate Flag operation and condition for completion.

Text Decisions Card Editing

  1. Decision Type = Text (default selection).

  2. Enter a message for the learner in the Prompt text box.

    • This Prompt displays on the learner’s screen

  3. Click +Add Response near the bottom of the card.

  4. Type a separate Response Text entry for each option available for learner selection.

  5. Choose the associated Flag for each entry and set the condition.

    • Use the value 1 (not complete) in the far right text box

Associated Course Cards

Typical course card order when using a Decision (Text) card in a Lesson:

  1. Environment (System Viewer)

  2. Load 3D Systems

  3. Go To (Position)

  4. Information

  5. Loop

  6. Decision (Text) - nested below the Loop card

  7. Include Fragment 1 - nested below the Loop card

  8. Include Fragment 2, etc. - nested below the Loop card

  9. New (un-nested) Environment Card in the Main Lesson Track -

    • This required card resumes the Main Lesson after the learner completes the Loop (i.e., meets all Flag conditions)

Decision (Text) - Use Case

Scenario: You plan to add a Loop of Lesson Fragments to a Main Lesson. Since the Learner will choose the order in which to view these Fragments, the response options on the relevant Decision card must be the actual Fragment names.

  1. Add a Decision card immediately after your Loop course card.

    • Add Include Fragment cards immediately after the Decision card

  2. On the Decision card:

    • Select the (default) Text option

    • Type a question in the Prompt textbox that requires the learner to select a Response option

      • Example: Which System would you like to explore?

    • Add a separate Response Text entry for each included Fragment name

      • For each Response, choose the associated Flag and set the condition

        • A selected Lesson Fragment will display in the learner view if the associated Flag value is 1 (not complete)

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