Beast Core 4 Deployment Guide
  • 23 Feb 2024
  • 1 Minute to read
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Beast Core 4 Deployment Guide

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Article summary


  1. Kubernetes cluster

  2. kubectl CLI installed

Files Required

Please download or have available the following files:

  1. b29-persistentvolumeclaim.yaml

  2. beast-core-deployment.yaml

  3. beast-core-service.yaml

  4. pod.yaml

  5. uss-persistentvolumeclaim.yaml




1.Create the beast-core namespace:

kubectl create ns beast-core

2. Create the secret:

kubectl create secret docker-registry regcred --docker-username=<your-Iron-Bank-username> --docker-password=<your-Iron-Bank-password> -n beast-core

3. Apply the PVCs:

kubectl apply -f b29-persistentvolumeclaim.yaml -n beast-core
kubectl apply -f uss-persistentvolumeclaim.yaml -n beast-core

4. Apply the pod.yaml to spin up a temporary pod for copying artifacts:

kubectl apply -f pod.yaml -n beast-core

5. Copy workspace zips into the pod:

kubectl cp beast-core/app:/data -n beast-core
kubectl cp beast-core/app:/data -n beast-core


6. Exec into the pod and unzip artifacts:

kubectl exec -it app -n beast-core -- /bin/bash

apt update
apt install unzip

unzip data/ -d data/b29

unzip data/ -d data/uss-never-sleeps

7. Move contents in each workspace's develop-converted out one level:

cp data/b29/develop-converted/* data/b29 -R

cp data/uss-never-sleeps/develop-converted/* data/uss-never-sleeps -R


rm data/b29/develop-converted -r

rm data/uss-never-sleeps/develop-converted -r

8. Exit out of the pod



9. Apply the beast-core deployment:

kubectl apply -f beast-core-deployment.yaml -n beast-core


10. Apply the service:

kubectl apply -f beast-core-service.yaml -n beast-core

11. Delete the temporary pod for copying artifacts as it is not needed again:

kubectl delete pod/app -n beast-core

12. Port forward to access beast-core on localhost:

kubectl port-forward svc/beast-core -n beast-core 8100:8100

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