Navigation: Avatar Viewer
  • 12 Jul 2024
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Navigation: Avatar Viewer

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Article summary

To open a visual guide to all of the controls used in Avatar Viewer, select the ? icon.

This will open the Command Control Layout - an interactive visual of controls along with their definitions.



Avatar Viewer uses the same control scheme as first-person videogames:

  • W - move forward

  • A - Strafe (sidestep) left

  • S - move backwards

  • D - strafe (sidestep) right

  • Mouse movement - look around, change direction

  • ESC - disengage the mouse movement, allows mouse selection


Hatches/doors can be opened/closed by clicking on them. Green indicates the entrance is open, and red for closed.


Ladders can be used with the following controls:

  • C - climb down

  • E - climb up

  • Right click - select a Component

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