Dashboard Window
  • 03 Sep 2024
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Dashboard Window

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Article summary

The main window of the Analytics Dashboard provides high level information about identified, color-coded Faults and/or Systems.

Analytics Dashboard and Content Viewer Roles

The Analytics Dashboard and Content Viewer are separate plugins that work in conjunction to provide both high level and specific information about identified Faults/statuses.

  • Dashboard - displays broad categories determined by the types of information contained in the associated Content Viewer(s)

    • Can support multiple Content Viewers

      • When multiple Viewers are available, the Dashboard selection dictates which Content Viewer displays on the right-hand side of the screen

  • Viewer - displays detailed information relevant to a selected item on the Dashboard

Dashboard Views

  • The default Dashboard displays Fault categories

  • When Systems is an available option in your Faults dropdown menu, you may elect to view System categories in the Dashboard window

    • Displays System names and initial System information

Dashboard Scroll Bar

  • Appears just below the Filter icon whenever the Dashboard displays a list of items that exceeds the size of its window

Dashboard Column Layout

Think of the columns in the main Dashboard window as broad, dynamic categories relevant to the specific information contained in the associated Content Viewer(s).

  • Columns may contain information related to:

    • Faults

    • Systems

    • Components

    • Time stamps

    • Etc.


When you select an item on the Dashboard, your selection automatically includes all columns displayed in that horizontal row.

  • The columns on your Dashboard may look different from the examples in this article.

Column Examples

  1. State of the Fault

    • Displays Fault status information in color-coded boxes called pills

    • In the example image above:

      • Red = critical Faults

      • Yellow = Fault warnings

      • Violet = Faults with messages relevant to fault prediction

      • Green = Successfully mitigated Faults

  2. Fault Name or Code

    • Displays Fault identification information

      • Full word example: Unbalanced Platform

      • Code example: GEN2 (for Generator 2)

  3. Affected System

    • Displays the name or abbreviation of the System impacted by a specific fault

      • Example: Firefighting System or FFS


        The Dashboard only displays System relevant data if the Content Viewer supplies a Systems list.

  4. Time Stamp

    • Displays the date and time a specific Fault occurred

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