Level Editor
  • 12 Jul 2024
  • 5 Minutes to read
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Level Editor

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Article summary

The user will define the boundaries of the compartments, control transit within and between the compartments, add layers to rooms and save migrations. In addition, they will run Auto-Transit and create portals, doors, and stairs.

How to use 2D Editor

2D Editor presents the top-down view of the geometry within the 3D Scene. Use to define sections of geometry. After compartment definition, the software calculates the transactability (walkability) of that compartment using geometry. Compartment data, stored in the Level Editor Database, supports the Avatar environment.

2D Editor Controls

Create Vertex C [C]:

  1. Unlock a layer.

  2. Select the scene.

  3. Right-click.

Select the Create Vertex option to create a vertex at the current mouse position.

Create Line L [L]:

  1. Unlock a layer

  2. Select two vertices

  3. Right-click and select the Create Line option to create a line between the selected vertices

Create Compartment [Space]

  1. Unlock a layer.

  2. Select a series of lines to create a closed shape.

Right-click and select the Create Compartment option to create a new compartment using the selected lines.

Delete Item

  1. Unlock a layer.

  2. Select any number of visual items.

  3. Press Delete.

Select All [Control A]

  1. Select the scene.

  2. Press Ctrl-A.


All visual items select automatically.

Toggle Dude Units [H]

  1. Select a compartment.

  2. Press H to view toggle the visibility of dude units.

Dude Units

Dude units adjust camera heights and transit states.

Move Vertices [Arrow keys]

  1. Select vertices.

  2. Use the arrow keys to move the selected vertices.

  3. Modify speed with Ctrl (x5), Shift (x15), or Ctrl-Shift (x75).


Vertices also move with a mouse when the layer is unlocked.

3D Editor Controls

3D Editor functions as a free-camera view of the data aggregation’s loaded geometry and compartments.

3D controls function as follows:

  • Right-click + WASD:
    Move the camera view within the scene.

  • W key
    Moves the user forward.

  • A key
    Moves the user to the left.

  • S key
    Moves the user backward.

  • D key
    Moves the user to the right.

  • Shift key
    Moves the user down.

  • Spacebar
    Moves the user up.

  • Right-click + mouse movement:
    Move the camera position within the scene.

  • Right-click + Q or Shift:
    Move down along the camera’s current position.

  • Right-click + E or Space:
    Move up along the camera’s current position.

Other Useful Hotkeys:

  • Control + S - Open Save Dialog

  • F3 - Open Load 0xi Dialog

  • F4 - Toggle Layer Editor

  • F5 - Toggle Help

  • F6 - Toggle 2D Editor

  • F7 - Toggle 3D Editor

  • F9 - Toggle Color Mode selects a random color scheme.

Setting Options

Save functions to save migrations. Think of migrations as “checkpoints” and saving work creates a new version. When opening Level Editor, it reads through all the migrations to build the Level Editor Database.

Squash Migrations removes all migrations and creates a single, new migration based on the saved data.

Toggle Dark Mode functions to change the interface.

Create 3D Files from Compartment Bounds creates a 3D mesh from compartment bounds.

Select Clear Migration Directory before closing Level Editor when opening a different workspace or repo to delete data from previously selecting Remember Selection on Startup.

Import Geometry Files loads Beast Code format files to viewer.

Layer Editor edits 2D scene layers.

2D viewport contains the transit grid and remains open by default.

3D viewport enables users to fly around the 3D models.

(Fly around by right clicking in the 3D viewport and using the WASD keys.)

Delete geometry from the 3D scene and refresh scene to blank.

Opening Level Editor for the First Time

  1. Open Level Editor.

  2. Select a migration directory by clicking BROWSE and START.

  3. Select the folder location for the project/repository.

Example: C:/Users/tbreidenbaugh/Desktop/Banana Boat

  1. Click the import button.

  1. Locate and select the .0xi files (usually located in: inputsmodels\Official Geometry Source)

  2. Select only necessary files.


Importing too many files causes Level Editor to lag.

Creating Compartment Bounds

When creating a compartment, outline the wall geometry in lines:

  1. Place all vertices at the corners.

  2. Connect those vertices.

  3. Next, create the compartment.

  1. Connect the compartment.

  2. Name the “space.”

  3. Choose the space ceiling and floor using the 3D viewer pane.

Adding Layers to Rooms

Vertices cannot stack on top of each other. However, compartments can separate into layers, typically by decks.

Layers develop compartments above or below existing compartments without affecting those compartments.

Click Add/Edit 2D Scene Layers on the left side bar to view existing layers.

The Layers widget opens.

A breakdown of the options available for each layer follows:

Show/Hide Layer

Lock/Unlock Layer for Editing


(Red = Locked; Green = Unlocked)

Layer Name

Layer Number


0 remains as the default value arbitrarily beyond setting the layer list order. The layer name does not matter.

Delete Layer

Select A Layer

  1. Click a space that is not a button in the layer.

  2. Green highlight indicates a selected layer.

  3. Lock and hide unselected layers to avoid confusion.

Saving Migrations

  1. After making changes, save the changes.

  2. A prompt populates with options to edit a major version, minor version, and description.

  3. Leave the major and minor versions unchanged.

  4. Add a description.

Beast Core Editor typically titles migrations based on the file name.

Running Auto-Transit

  1. Auto-transit creates a base for movement within Beast Core.

  2. When running auto-transit, select all compartments to transverse.

  3. Navigate to the Transit button under the layers panel.

  4. A prompt populates with a confirmation page of the compartments selected for auto-transit.

  1. Confirm the compartments listed, then another prompt populates with a file explorer window.

  1. Navigate to the Avatar folder containing the Converted .0xi files and select the folder.

  1. Auto-transit takes the .0xi files and generates a transit grid based on the geometry within the compartment and select the folder.

Creating Portals Automatically

  1. After setting up the transit grid, link compartments together with portals.

  2. Portals include any transition from one compartment to another, such as a door, hatch, ladder, or staircase.

  3. Level Editor creates door portals automatically if the platform includes Doors.0xi.

The following steps automatically create portals:

  1. Check that the workspace includes Doors.0xi, usually located within the Transit folder.

  2. Select compartments to link with the script in Level Editor.

  3. Ensure selected compartments appear on the room list.

  1. Select Portals under the layers panel.

  1. Confirm and select Doors.0xi located in the appropriate workspace.

  1. Level Editor creates door portals automatically if the platform includes Doors.0xi.

Manual Door Creation

The following steps explain manual door creation:

  1. Select an area between two rooms to make a portal.

  2. Right-click

  3. Create the portal.


The portal must have the same name as the door in the Doors.0xi.

  1. Uncheck Maintain Individual Camera Heights.

  2. Set Transit States to Standing.

Manual Stair Creation

Thoroughly test all stairs. Stairs require a specific configuration of transit grid. Follow the directions provided to make stairs:

  1. Locate the stairs with the Ceiling/Floor clip planes in the 3D view window.


Check which sides represent the top and bottom of the staircase.

  1. Manually make both rails intransitable by changing the Transit States to Intransitable in the Dude Unit Editor.

  1. Create a portal linking the room above or below.

  1. The portal name must match the hatch name, which exists as the name of the component in the geometry file corresponding with the hatch.

  2. Select an area in the staircase and select Create gradient height

  1. Set the bottom and top gradient height and select Apply

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