Workspace Converter
  • 12 Jul 2024
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Workspace Converter

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Article summary

Beast Core Editor: Workspace Converter

The Workspace Converter transforms development workspaces into production-ready versions for use with Beast Core. Workspace Converter also offers features for initializing, updating, validating, debugging, and refining workspaces to ensure readiness for deployment.

  • Access the Workspace Converter through the Workspace Converter Wizard or the command line.
    NOTE: The Workspace Converter version appears at the top left of the screen.

Command Verb

At startup, the Workspace Converter Wizard asks for a command verb. The options include:

  • Convert
    changes development workspaces into production-ready versions for use with Beast Core.

  • Convert-postgres-beta
    converts the given workspace to postgres, an open-source relational database management system (RDBMS) emphasizing extensibility and SQL compliance.

    • WARNING: Git determines if a file gets tracked or not tracked for Postgres stored files. Without Git, all files mark as generated (produced assets safe to delete).

  • Init
    creates a blank workspace with the correct folder structures such as the Illusion folder and Avatar folder.

  • Validate
    runs validation checks against a converted workspace. The validation pipeline lists potential errors in a workspace.

  • Dump
    takes the SCARModelDatabase (SMD) and writes the .sql files within the tables folder in the workspace. BeastCode uses dumping to commit changes to Git Extensions.

Input Directory

  • Select the Folder to input a directory path to a workspace repository folder.


  • Process runs the Workspace Converter Wizard. The Workspace Converter transforms a legacy development workspace into a production workspace for Beast Core.

  • Select Back to return to the previous screen before running Workspace Converter Wizard.

  • Upon completion, select Finish.

Appendix: Seldom-used workspace conversion options

  • Help
    prints the help menu in the terminal.

  • Version
    prints version information in the terminal.

  • Conserve Memory
    enables low memory mode to preserve RAM, which forces sequential mode.

  • Early-fail (error/warning)
    causes the converter to fail early when encountering errors.

  • Profile
    generates a Profile Table at the end of execution that details times and steps for commands.

  • Sequential
    processes parts of commands in sequence instead of parallel.

  • Silent
    prevents output to the console.

  • Verbose
    prints extra information in the terminal.

Appendix: Verb Arguments

  • Transform
    consists of a string of 16 floats read as a matrix to transform a scene and defaults to a Beast Core ready transform
    (Y+ UP) when source Z+ UP.

  • Production Only
    prevents the generation of dev assistance files when running conversion.

  • Build-SMD
    runs only the SMD (SCARModelDatabase) portion of the convert command.

  • Build-LED
    runs only the Level Editor Database (LED) portion of the convert command.

  • Build-Argus
    runs only the Argus database portion of the convert command. Argus functions as a containerized image processing service that ingests documentation, aggregates the information with traceability back to the original source, and outputs it to help an end user create digital twins, perform research, or navigate their documentation.

  • No Basisu
    disables basisu texture compression. Basisu functions as a "super compressed" GPU texture data interchange system that supports two highly compressed intermediate file formats (. basis or the . KTX2 open standard from the Khronos Group) for quick transcoding to a variety of GPU pixel formats.

  • Separate-Avatar-Static-Models
    keeps avatar meshes separated after meshopt compression. Typical conversion combines all Avatar models without metadata. Check the box to keep the model separate and help aide in the development of Avatar. The check box is not recommended to convert for Beast Core.

  • Delete-Cache
    deletes the workspace cache.

  • No-Cache
    disables the use of cache.

  • Compression Level (0-10)
    represents the level of compression for outputs.

  • Quantization
    for compression uses QuantizationBits. Settings may change the look of geometry but should minimally affect the output while achieving the compression goal.

  • Space
    acts as a comma-delimited list of compartments/spaces to exclusively generate.

  • System
    serves as a comma-delimited list of systems to exclusively generate.

  • Validate
    runs after conversion. The function validates that no problems exist in a workspace. See validate command for <whitelist> options.

  • No Component Locations
    disables auto-updating moved component locations in the SMD.

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