Event Details - Properties
  • 13 Sep 2024
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Event Details - Properties

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Article summary

Access the Properties window in the Event Details menu to view specific information about a selected Event on the SLD45 Data Exchange (DataEx) Tool’s Timeline.

Open the Event Details Window

The Event Details window in the left-hand Details pane is a feature of the tool’s SLD Events plugin.

Two Ways to Access:

  1. Select an Event Pill on the Timeline or map

  2. Select the SLD Events plugin in the left-hand pane

    • Select an Event date on the SLD Events shortcut menu

    • Click the Ellipsis (three dots) next to a named Event

Properties Window

  1. Select the specific Event you want to learn more about.

  2. Click the Properties dropdown arrow on the Event Details menu.

    • Example Properties window for a Transport Event

    • Name, Description, and Date fields

    • Start and End Point fields

    • Status Type and Status Value fields


      When a Transport Event requires an Escort, personnel in a Security Forces vehicle must escort the Transport throughout the entirety of the route.

    • Example Properties window for a Launch Event:

      • Status

      • Operation Number

      • Pad - (Launch pad number)

      • License/Insured and Flyback fields

      • Date - (or date range)

      • Z Window - (Zulu Time Zone)

      • Local Time - (in Port Canaveral)

      • On-Site Viewing - (Yes or No)


        Launch time windows are estimates and are subject to change due to weather conditions or equipment functionality.

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