Include Fragment
  • 08 Aug 2024
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Include Fragment

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Article summary

Include Fragment course cards in Beast Core 4 Courseware Editor allow you to designate where—and under what conditions—topical Lesson Fragments will appear within a Main Lesson.


Prior to using {{glossary.Loop}}, {{glossary.Decisions}}, and Include Fragment course {{glossary.Cards}} cards in a lesson, you must populate the {{glossary.Fragments}} and {{glossary.Flag}}s sections in the Courseware Editor Overview tab.

  • A Loop and a Decision course card must precede Include Fragment cards on the Lesson Outline

  • Add a separate Include Fragment course card for each named Fragment (in the Overview tab » Fragments section) that you want to include in the Main Lesson

  • Note that the Include Fragment card name is shortened to “Fragment” on the Lesson Outline

How to Populate an Include Fragment Course Card

  1. Select the first Fragment card (nested below the Loop card in the Lesson Outline) to open it for editing

  2. In the card’s left-hand Select Fragment menu:

    • Left click the All Lessons dropdown arrow in the Lesson Library

    • Left click the arrow beside your desired lesson

    • Select the Fragment name you want to associate with this course card

  1. In the card’s right-hand Control Flow Flags menu:

    • Remain on the default “Run If…” tab

    • Left click the +Add Flag Check to create a new entry line

      • Use the dropdown arrow in the Select Flag textbox to choose the Flag associated with your selected Fragment

      • Keep the default equal sign in the middle textbox

      • Use the up arrow to populate the right-hand textbox with the value 1 (which means: Run this fragment if not complete)

  2. Left click the “On Completion…” tab on the card’s right-hand Control Flow Flags menu

    • Left click the +Add Flag Check to create a new entry line

      • Use the dropdown arrow in the Select Flag textbox to choose the Flag associated with your selected Fragment

      • Keep the default equal sign in the middle textbox

      • Use the up arrow to populate the right-hand textbox with the value 2 (which means: Stop running this fragment if complete)

  1. Repeat Steps 1 - 4 for each additional Fragment card in the Loop section

    • Ensure that you populate a unique Fragment card for each Lesson Fragment you want to include in your Main Lesson

Important Notes:

  • The Fragment cards nested in the Loop section are for Flag management only

    • DO NOT add any other nested course card below these Fragment cards

    • You will develop unique Lesson Tracks for each Fragment in a separate process

  • Required follow-up course card:

    • Always add an un-nested Environment Card after the final Fragment card in the Main Lesson

      • This achieves functional lesson flow back to the Main Lesson track upon the completion of all looped Fragments

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