Simulation Action
  • 23 Jul 2024
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Simulation Action

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Article summary

Use a Simulation Action course card (in Beast Core 4 Courseware Editor’s Simulation Viewer environment) to provide learner interactivity in a loaded Simulation.

Typical Course Card Order

  1. Environment: Simulation Viewer - Required

  2. Load Simulation - Required

  3. Simulation Action - Required

  4. Information - Optional

Use Case Examples

  • You can use a single Simulation Action card to require a learner to remove or replace a specific part on a virtual Component

  • Use multiple Simulation Action Cards (one card per required action) when you want a learner to perform multiple steps in a simulated procedure


If desired, you can add an Information card between each Simulation Action card (or between a series of actions) to provide procedure instructions.

How to Populate a Simulation Action Card

  1. In Layout Mode, click the plus sign to add a Simulation Action card to your lesson

  1. Click Edit Mode to open the card for editing

Objective Message

  • Type the action the learner must accomplish to advance the lesson

    • Use the terms in the Keyword Legend in your message

      Example: Use $tool to remove $part


      The stored names for your selected tool and part will automatically replace these Keywords in the learner view.

Tools to use:

  • Use the dropdown box to select the tool the learner will use to perform this action

Choose the part to perform on:

  • Use the dropdown box to select the part the learner will manipulate during this simulation

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