Viewer Tools Pane: System Viewer
  • 12 Jul 2024
  • 1 Minute to read
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Viewer Tools Pane: System Viewer

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Article summary

Viewer Tools

  • Alignment
    Contains saved State conditions for simulation. Normal Operation will set all states to their normal condition.

  • Platform
    Allows selecting another platform to load

  • Visualizer
    Changes color schema based on selected option

    • System Designation - Default, Components colored based on System groupings

    • Static Flow - components colored based on flow

      • Dark Blue - open and connected to flow

      • White - not connected to flow

      • Yellow - component is closed and interrupting flow

      • Red - component is damaged and interrupting flow

      • Teal - Primary flow provided, but no flow from a dependency system

  • Search
    Used to search for components on any accessible platform

  • Controls
    Provide sliders for camera speed, hull transparency, and standard viewport alignments


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