  • 09 Jul 2024
  • 2 Minutes to read
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Article summary

In Beast Core 4 Courseware Editor, you will use the Information course card to format the written text of a lesson and to add media (e.g., images, audio files, animations).

How to Populate an Information Card

In Courseware Editor Layout Mode, add an Information course card to your lesson, then left click Edit Mode to view the Information card editing screen shown below.

  1. Enter a title in the Title bar

    • This title will display on the card in the lesson

  2. Using HTML and CSS, create the content for the card in the main text box

  3. Choose to either BLOCK THE LESSON UNTIL:

    • INFO COMPLETE - This will disable the Next button until all the information has been displayed/played for the learner

    • None - Allows the learner to proceed through the lesson by clicking Next even if the card’s information hasn’t been completed

  4. The card will appear in the lesson with the embedded content


It’s useful to keep a temporary template card in the lesson with CSS and commonly used HTML to expedite lesson creation.

Content Box Breakdown

Use the Content Box shown below to customize an Information card (e.g., add additional pages, subtitles or audio or highlight a specific component).

  • Page Name

    Allows you to add a subtitle for a single page Information card or an individual page title for a multi-page card

  • Adding New Page

    Creates an additional page on this Information card


Adding pages creates multiple Information card pages under a single card in the Lesson Track.

  • Sequence

    • Toggled on to:

      • Make the pages on a multi-page Information card appear in static order from first to last, with no subtitles

      • Hide an unpopulated subtitle box on a single-page Information card

    • Toggle off to:

      • Display a card’s multi-page subtitles on a selectable list to the left of the information textbox


        The filter should be toggled on when using a single page card with no subtitle (otherwise an empty subtitle box appears on the single page card in the lesson).

  • Delete
    Deletes the page that is currently selected

  • Audio
    Adds Audio that automatically plays to the card

    • WAIT UNTIL AUDIO IS FINISHED: When toggled on, the Next button will not be clickable until the attached audio file is finished playing


      Audio files can be uploaded and found in the Resources tab. Please read this article about Resource files for more information.

  • Highlight

    • Left click the search bar to view available component(s), then left click a component name to select

      • The selected component will have a highlight around it in the System Viewer and Avatar Viewer modes

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