Loading Scenes
  • 12 Sep 2024
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Loading Scenes

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Article summary

Beast Core 6 System Viewer features the ability to load scenes that support the users’ specific needs.

What is a Scene?

A Scene is a representation of what you’re currently viewing in the main screen in System Viewer. This includes:

  • Models loaded

  • How the models are colored

  • The position and direction of the camera

Load a Scene - Use Case

You can use the Load a Scene feature as a personal timesaver and as a collaboration tool.

Scenario: You have a Scene set in System Viewer that clearly illustrates an example you want to show a colleague who works remotely. You save the Scene and send the file to your co-worker, who loads it into their local version of System Viewer.

How to Load a Scene


Once you’ve read and accepted the Consent Banner, the System Viewer Load menu displays automatically.

  1. Select the Scene tab on the (default) Load menu

  1. Select the Browse Files button to search your drive(s) for your .json Scene file

  • OR use your mouse to drag your file to the drag and drop square

  1. Press the Open button once you’ve selected your file

  • Your loaded scene now displays in the System Viewer main window


Depending on your internet connection speed, loading a scene can take a few seconds. The program has not frozen.

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