  • 17 Jul 2024
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Article summary

In Beast Core 4 Courseware Editor, use a Loop card in conjunction with Decision and Include Fragment cards to create choices for learners and improve instructional flow and engagement.

Loop Course Card

Allows topical segments within a lesson to run on repeat

Typical Course Card Order

Environment: System Viewer

Load in 3D Systems

Go To (Position)



    Decision - Required

     (nests below the Loop card)

    Include Fragment #1 - Required

     (nests below the Loop card)

    Include Fragment #2 - Required

      (nests below the Loop card)

    Additional nested Include Fragment cards (if needed)

Environment Card - Required

(returns the learner to the Main Lesson Track upon successful Loop completion)

Loop Card Usage

  • Uses Flags (created in the Overview tab » Flags section)

    • Assign the value 1 to mean a Flag’s condition is not complete

    • Assign the value 2 to mean a Flag’s condition is complete

  • Works in conjunction with Decision and Include Fragment cards

  • Loops the nested Decision and Include Fragment course cards on repeat until the learner meets the end condition for each associated Flag

Follow-up Card Requirement

Always add an un-nested Environment card immediately after the last Include Fragment card in a Loop.

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