Navigating the Document Viewer
  • 16 Sep 2024
  • 2 Minutes to read
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Navigating the Document Viewer

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Article summary

Learn how to use the controls provided in the Beast Core 6 Document Viewer app to move through a selected Document associated with a System or component in your workspace.

Access the Document Viewer App

  1. Select the Document Viewer app in the left-hand navigation pane.

  1. Select the Tech Manuals directory on the main screen Document Viewer pane.

  2. Choose your desired document in the right-hand column.

  3. Your selected document will open on your main screen.

  4. Use the controls provided in the (top of screen) navigation tool bar to move through the document.

Navigation Tools - Definitions and Functions


Tools are explained in left to right order (as they appear on the above tool bar).

  1. Down Arrow - Moves to the next page of a selected document.

  2. Up Arrow - Moves to the previous page of a selected document.

  3. Page Number Textbox - Displays the current page number of a displayed document.

    • To jump to a desired page:

      • Use your keyboard to type a page number into this textbox

      • Press the enter key

  4. Hand Icon - Allows you to grab and move a displayed document.

  5. Cursor Icon - Allows you to highlight text in a displayed document.

  6. Minus Symbol - Reduces the size of a displayed document.

  7. Plus Symbol - Enlarges the size of a displayed document.

  8. Numerical Percentage - Displays the current size of a displayed document as a percentage.

    • To change this percentage:

      • Place your cursor to the right of the displayed percentage

      • Use the backspace key on your keyboard to erase the current percentage

      • Type your desired percentage and press the enter key

  9. Percentage Dropdown Menu Arrow - Displays quick select percentage options and three options to adjust your screen display.

    • Click Actual Size to change your document’s display size to 100%

    • Click Page Width to display your document over the maximum width of your screen (excluding the left-hand navigation pane)

    • Click Page Fit to reduce the width of your displayed document to fit your device

  10. Left Rotate Icon - Click to rotate your document 90° counterclockwise.

  11. Right Rotate Icon - Click to rotate your document 90° clockwise.

  12. New Page Icon - Click to return to the Document Viewer Directory pane.

    • Select a new document

    • Explore a different Directory

  13. Ribbon Icon - Click to open an outline of your selected document (if available).

  14. Search Icon - Click to open a Search window allowing you to search within your open document.


You select any combination of search options from the menu to refine your search results.

  1. Print Icon - Click to open your machine’s printing interface.

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