Navigation Panel
  • 27 Aug 2024
  • 3 Minutes to read
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Navigation Panel

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Article summary

The Navigation Panel window in the LSV Prototype’s Settings menu allows you to customize your Keyboard or Mouse navigation settings.

Customizing Navigation Settings

Select Navigation Panel on the Settings menu to open a new window with access to two methods of control:

  • Keyboard

  • Mouse


Your mouse scroll wheel is enabled by default on both navigation options.

Keyboard Settings

  1. Navigation Mode

    • Keyboard is the default setting

    • Use the WASD and arrow keys to navigate the camera in and around your loaded Model

  2. Selection Mode

    • Select the Left or Right (default) mouse selection button to determine if you will use a left or right mouse click to select a Model

    • To change the speed of your keyboard behavior, drag the small blue sliders in the following boxes:

      • Keyboard move speed

      • Keyboard look speed

        • Or, click inside each box and press Tab to enter values manually

    • Check the Focus selected box if you want the camera to automatically zoom to the Model.

  3. Warp to Selected


    This section of the Keyboard settings menu is only available when you select a specific Model in your loaded scene.

    • Click the Warp to Selected button to zoom to your selected Model instantly

    • If desired, use the blue sliders in the Quick Focus boxes to adjust the XYZ axes to a preferred camera angle

      • Or, click into each box and press Tab to enter values manually

Mouse Settings


If your Navigation Panel menu displays a right-hand scroll bar, you can click and drag the lower right corner of the menu to resize your window.

  1. Navigation Mode

    • Select Mouse navigation to use a rotation and panning method to view your loaded Model

      • Keyboard navigation will be disabled while Mouse navigation is enabled

  2. Selection Mode

    • Select the Left or Right (default) mouse selection button to determine if you will use a left or right mouse click to select a Model

      • Mouse behavior with Left Click selection:

        • Left clicking on a Model - highlights that Model and provides Attribute data via the Attribute Data Table

        • Left clicking and holding down the left click button - allows you to pan/rotate around your selected Model


          You must left click on the specific Model to keep the Model highlighted and the Attribute data on display. Otherwise, the Attribute data will disappear, and the Model will no longer be highlighted.

      • Mouse behavior with Right Click (default) selection:

        • Right clicking on a Model - highlights that Model and provides Attribute data via the Attribute Data Table

        • Left clicking and holding down the left click button - allows you to pan/rotate around your selected Model


          Two advantages of selecting Right Click as your Model selection mode:

          1. Your selected Model remains highlighted throughout your pan/rotate navigation (until you select a different Model with a Right Click).

          2. The Attribute data for your selected Model remains visible throughout your pan/rotate navigation.

    • To change the speed of your mouse behavior, drag the blue sliders in the following boxes:

      • Mouse panning speed

      • Mouse rotation speed

      • Mouse scroll speed

        • Or, click inside each box and press Tab to enter values manually

  3. Display Pivot Point

    • Check the Display pivot point box if you want to have a visible pivot point to reference

    • Drag the blue sliders in the Mouse Pivot boxes to set your desired points on the XYZ axes

      • Or, click into each box and press Tab to enter values manually

        • This creates a pivot point when using the mouse selection button


          If you select a specific Model while the Display pivot point feature is enabled:

          • Your Model selection overrides your previous settings

          • The pivot point moves to your selected Model

  4. Invert Options

    • You can check the following invert options in the Mouse Pivot dropdown menu to customize mouse panning and rotation behavior:

      • Invert horizontal panning controls

      • Invert horizontal rotation controls

      • Invert vertical panning controls

      • Invert vertical rotation controls

  5. Warp to Selected


    This option only appears at the bottom of the Mouse settings menu when you select a specific Model in your loaded scene.

    • Click the Warp to selected button to zoom to your selected Model instantly


Basic Navigation and Controls

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