Outdated Lessons
  • 12 Jul 2024
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Outdated Lessons

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Article summary

As new versions of the Beast Core 4 Editor are released, some of the changes may render prior lessons incompatible with the updated software. Read on to learn how to find and update Outdated lessons.

Identify Outdated Lessons

  1. Launching Courseware Editor brings up the Lesson Dashboard landing page

  2. Use the dropdown arrow at the top of the left side panel to select your desired Platform

  3. The All Lessons section of the Lesson Dashboard automatically displays clickable tabs for all stored lessons relevant to your selected Platform


Check if any of the displayed lesson tabs have a counterclockwise circle icon (i.e., Outdated notification) in the lower left corner. (Example below.)

  1. If desired, left click the Outdated button on the Lesson Dashboard (upper right) to activate the Outdated lessons filter


When this filter is on, the All Lessons section on the Lesson Dashboard displays only Outdated lesson tab(s).

  • Left click to turn the filter off to return to the default display of all available lesson tabs in your selected platform

How to Update an Outdated Lesson

  1. Select the Outdated lesson tab on the Lesson Dashboard

  2. Select the Update button in the Prompt window (bottom right)

  1. Run the PowershellLessonMigrator.ps1 script (in your BeastCore»courseware-editor folder) to update all lessons\


    This script requires PowerShell 7 to run

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