Selection Types
  • 02 Aug 2024
  • 1 Minute to read
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Selection Types

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Article summary

Use the four Selection Type options in the LSV Prototype’s Settings menu to enable or disable your mouse’s ability to select, move, or hide Models in a loaded scene.

Selection Type

  1. Click Settings in the Navigation Bar, then hover your mouse pointer over Selection Type.

  2. Select from the following Selection Type options to set your mouse click capabilities:

    • None

      • Disables your mouse’s ability to select a Model

      • No relevant information displays when you click on a particular Model or Attribute

    • Hide

      • Removes a selected Model from view

      • Useful option when you want to view a particular segment of your ship

    • Move

      • Allows you to manipulate and move a highlighted Model


        Select Tools → Reset All Model Movements to restore all moved Models to their original locations in your loaded Session.

    • Select (default selection)

      • Highlights a particular Model when you use your mouse to select it

      • Information relevant to your selected Model displays in the Attribute Data Table window

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