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  • 02 Aug 2024
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Article summary

Action windows in the LSV Prototype are known as Views. You can access the View menu in the top navigation bar.

View Window Features

  • Relocate - Drag and drop individual windows to any location within the LSV Prototype screen using your mouse

  • Resize - Use your mouse to resize View windows by dragging any of the window’s outer edges

  • Close - Each window can be closed by clicking the small x in the upper right-hand corner

Default Views

When you open LSV Prototype, four action windows open by default:

  • Attribute Data Table

  • Layer Management

  • Search Tools (the window is named Super Search)

  • Clip Planes

Additional View Options

Click the View tab to choose optional Views to display:

  • Layer Advanced

  • Model List

  • Scene Metrics

Resetting and Closing Views

  • Reset to Default View: Resets the default Views back to their original positions on the main screen

  • Close Views: Closes all windows, including the default Views

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